Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring Break

The kids had off the 26th of March through Easter. We stayed busy and enjoyed the summer like weather. The first Friday we went swimming at the YMCA. Jacob was getting frustrated watching everyone go to swimming lessons week and week. He wanted to swim so badly so I took all the kids to open swim. Bella was excited to pass the deep water swim test which allowed her to jump off the diving board. It was an exciting accomplishment for her. She was nervous her first time and turned and walked back off. I jumped in and that gave her the confidence to jump, knowing mom was in the water to help her. After that, we could hardly get her to stop. Jacob wasn't so thrilled. It was one more thing the girls can all do that he can't. Patience little buddy, patience.

Monday I made the girls clean sweep their room. Lets see how long they can keep it looking so nice. Tuesday and Wednesday will have their own posts. Thursday we met our friends the Westons and Kraudes at a park for a picnic. Jacob's little buddy Tyler was so freaked out by the wind that they had to leave early which was sad. My allergies had been bothering me all week and were especially bad on Thursday. Friday, I realized that it was not just allergies. I was supposed to run my last big run before the race, but was too sick to run for several hours straight. We had lunch at the Pearsons, and then the kids played there well I ran to the Walgreens take care clinic. I LOVE that place. In and out so quickly with my prescription filled 5 minutes later. Friday night we watched Ice Age 3 as a family. Jacob laughed so hard the movie was much more amusing to me than it would've normally been.

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