Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring symbols

I've always loved the fact that Easter corresponds with Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. There are so many parallels between the two. Spring has always been my favorite season. I love the feeling of hope it brings after a long cold winter. I look forward to seeing the rebirth of Mother Nature. Two of my three favorite flowers are spring bulbs and my favorite primary song is "My Heavenly Father Loves Me". I love the smell of flowers blooming, the beautiful tree blossoms, and the sound of birds chirping in the morning. I love the smell of fresh cut grass, the smell of a rainshower, and the sound of kids playing outside.

Just as Spring brings hope that the long winter is at and end, Easter brings the hope of returning to our Father in Heaven and of spiritual rebirth. I'm grateful for the Resurrection and the Atonement. I'm also grateful to live in an area with such a beautiful Spring season that helps remind me of my Heavenly Father's love for me.

This year nature really seemed to "awake" during a few day period leading up to Easter. We had nice weather for several weeks beforehand, but the transformation that weekend was amazing. My tulips bloomed, the flowering trees blossomed, I found a nest of 5 young bunnies under a overhang on our house.

The Tuesday after Easter, my friend volunteered to watch Bella and Jacob while I tried to get one last long run in before tapering off for the race. I drove to her house and left the kids and the car there while I ran. Bella was the last one out that morning and had forgot to shut the door from the house into the garage. During my run, I stopped at the house to get a drink. It was over 80 that day, and the heat was getting to me. When I opened the garage, and saw the open door my heart sank. The day before, one of the little bunnies had run into the garage. I never could find him to get him out. When I saw the open door, I prayed that the bunny had already left the garage, OR had not noticed the open door. I went inside, grabbed a drink and a cooler shirt, and started on my way out again. As I walked through the laundry room, I heard a strange sound. Yep, sure enough that bunny had noticed the open door and had come right into the house. I was SO glad that it didn't get into the main part of the house. I was also glad the bunny had crawled into a laundry bucket that had tipped on its side and couldn't figure out how to get out again. It was easy to pick up the basket and release the bunny outside again. I had to give Jared a hard time though for not listening to me. When we first noticed the bunnies he let the girls put carrots in the nest and he picked one up. I was livid! I knew the mother would move the nest and most likely abandon the unlucky bunny he had touched. Sure enough, the next day only one bunny was left and decided to hang out in the garage. Oh well, I guess it makes for a fun story.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Thanks for sharing those beautiful spring pictures. Fall used to be my favorite season, but I think living in a wintry climate - spring is quickly taking over that roll. And My Heavenly Father Loves Me has always been one of my favorites too. Cute bunnies!