Sunday, August 24, 2008

Blackberry jam, Bicycle rides, and Baby babbles

Thursday I finally got around to making jam with the blackberries we had picked. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I made 7 halfpint jars. I even substituted half of the sugar with splenda so I don't have to feel quite as quilty when I eat it. I had promised Bella a bicycle ride so when the jars came out of the canner, we loaded up and left.

People here are serious bikers. I mean really honest to goodness crazy bicycling people. The Bishop came to visit us when we first moved here. He casually mentioned he was going on a short bike ride the next day, only 50 miles! FIFTY MILES- thats not a short ride by my definitions. Thats a shoot me now, its not worth the pain, I'd rather eat liver, or swim with crocodiles bike ride. But, the plus side of their fascination with biking is that there are bike trails EVERYWHERE. We entered one of the trails right across from our neighborhood. As we started I was pleasantly surprised with how well I felt. We went and went and went and I still felt okay. Finally I decided to turn back just in case I got tired on the way back so we'd make it home in time to meet the girls' bus. When I turned I immediately noticed two things. 1) There was now a brisk breeze blowing at me, not with me and 2) I had been going slighly downhill the last three miles which meant I now needed to go slightly uphill. Well, we eventually made it home with 15 minutes to spare before the arrival of the bus and 5 minutes before a torrential downpour which almost flooded the street. Bella and Jacob were sound asleep and my legs felt like the jelly I had made early in the day. I had planned on going to the gym when Jared got home, but as you can guess that definately did not happen. I had enough of a work-out for one day. P.S.The kids started with helmets on, but pulled them off somewhere along the way.

Jared recorded Jacob talking on the phone with Grandma & Grandpa Reed tonight. He loves to talk on the phone. Jared claims its because thats all Jacob sees his mom do. I'd be insulted but its probably not far from the truth. The girls wouldn't leave him along today. Its a lot cuter when they're all in bed and he calls my parents and babbles on and on.

Oh, the last picture is for Loni's benefit. We all do it! He took his whole nap in the high chair.

I just noticed I've now published over 100 posts. Hope its been enjoyable...


Susan said...

at last a mom who can tire out her kids instead of visaversa

Joan said...

I get tired just reading about your activities! Jacob is so cute. Can't wait to squeeze him.

Loni said...

Glad to know other people do it too! Your house looks so cute - I can't believe you already got decorations up! Your house looks so nice, I doubt you will ever come back now. I do have to say, it is so like you to be new in the ward, yet take over a meal to the new move-ins. We're all missing you.

Porter Family said...

Not all of us like biking that far or that long in the heat and humidity. Just the crazies that like that "freshly chaffed" feeling. Thanks for coming to the park today, we had a super fun time!