Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First day of School

Today I sent my second baby off to her first day of Kindergarten. She was a little aprehensive at times but 95% of the morning she was beaming with excitement. The bus stop was moved to right across from our house (beats walking 8 houses down like our neighbors had to last year). Alexandra was excited to be boarding the bus with her sister and attending the same school. They would've been at different schools in Avon. Bella is excited to be the big sister at home now. She had a whole list of things she was going to do today. The list included things like rocking Jacob to sleep and playing preschool with mommy. The biggest accomplishment of the morning was that I didn't cry. Nope, not one tear, not even close. I know thats hard to believe since I can't even watch Disney movies without a tiny tear or two escaping, but I kid you not. Maybe there's hope for me afterall.

Poor Bella had to put her plans on hold when Jacob swallowed a mystery item this morning. I still can't figure out what it was. The floors were uncharacteristically clean except for a few fruit loops dropped at breakfast. I don't know if a fruit loop got lodged in his throat or if he found a non-food item to eat. I spent the last hour and a half holding him while he rotated between sleeping and gagging/vomiting mucus all over me. It has now been fifteen minutes or more since his last gagging episode. Bet you can imagine how wonderful I smell about now. I'm hoping it has dislodged and he is fine now. Otherwise when the girls get home (it's only a 1/2 day today) we'll all be taking a field trip to the hospital. Every mother's dream on the first day of school, right?


Chatty Family said...

The girls look soooo cute! I hope Jacob "passes" his mystery item! Miss you guys!

Nikki said...

Congrats! on the first day of school! the girls look cute.

Jenni said...

The girls look so much like you! You can tell that Jacob is your 4th by the casual way you reported his mystery swallow. :) Hope he is ok.

jon and kir said...

they look so cute!! So proud of you for not crying-I am going to be a mess next year!!

Natalie Buchkovich said...

Oh man, I bet your sad that it is just Bella and Jacob during the day!?! Zandy looks so cute and so proud of herself. I'm glad that she was excited.
I liked the picutres that I can see your house in. Looks like a really nice place. We miss you!

Amy Franklin said...

Wow--the girls look so grown up! And your house looks way cute, too. you should post some more pictures of it! Hope everyone is adjusting well to school starting!

Amanda said...

Agh!! Our kids MUST be related, Laila tried to eat a piece of the phone book yesterday and puked all over! Luckily, hers came up right away.
I can't believe you didn't cry when Xandra left for school! Is it just a first kid thing? By the others turn you're kicking 'em out the door? LOL!
The girls look so stinkin' cute! LOVE their outfits!