Jacob and Bella have been attending a playgroup at the High school on Tuesdays. They play with educational toys, make crafts, have a sensory table, and learn rhymes and songs. Its geared more to Jacob's age but Bella has tagged along all year. The high school students come and play with the children learning how to interact with young kids. The program also provides optional seminars and learning support for parents who want some extra guidance.
They have both really enjoyed this weekly outing (big thanks to Rochelle for convincing me to sign up). Tuesday was the last playgroup, not only for the year, but forever. Due to budget cuts, this part of the early childhood education program was cut. They had arranged for Jim Gill to come put on as concert for the kids. Jim Gill writes and sings kids songs. One of the songs, Jump and Shout, was a favorite throughout playgroup. It was requested every week and was Jacob's favorite part. Its great because he's an excellent counter and some of the credit goes to the song.
Jacob woke up Tuesday morning and asked if it was time to "Trot trot to playgroup" yet. Trot trot to playgroup was one of the rhymes we said every week.
(The kids would sit on our lap while we sang)
Trot trot to playgroup, Trot one two, you better watch out or you might fall through
(We'd pull apart our legs letting them fall through to the center)
(sitting on our lap again)
Trot Trot to playgroup, Trot on over you'd better watch out or you might fall over(We'd tip them off to the outside)
The concert was across the street at the athletic complex. When I pulled into the parking lot Jacob yelled "This is NOT where we jump and count. He was worried we were skipping it.
Jim did a great job interacting with the kids. Unfortunately, my kids were not sure what to think of a guy sitting right in front of us singing the songs and playing a banjo. I could barely get them to participate. When Jim started to sing Jump and Shout, Jacob jumped up and started jumping. I was excited that he was finally getting into it. Halfway through the song he randomly froze, ran over to me, and buried his face in my shirt. I have no idea what caused it. Its like he suddenly realized he was having fun.
The program bought a Jim Gill CD for every family. Unfortunately, it was not the one with Jump and Shout so I bought that one. Its funny to hear Bella and Jacob walk around singing songs about Alabama and Mississippi. Jacob is enjoying jumping and counting from his own home.
My pictures didn't turn out very good but here is a few:
Waiting for it to start