Thursday, May 27, 2010

Last week of school

I don't even know why they bothered to go to school this week. I know its to get in their full 180 days, but I'm not sure any learning took place. The did however have talent shows, ice cream socials, Goshen Olympics (water day), watch movies, play games, walk to the Y for rollerskating, have a "camp-out" in their room, dance and listen to music while cleaning the room, etc.

Bella, Jacob and I ate lunch with Katy on Monday. This was in Bella's words "awesome". Eating at a school, let alone the big kid school, made her day. Then I went to Xandy's Goshen Olympics. It was hot and humid, a perfect day for water games!

Typical Xandy- chasing the boys
Xandy's teacher Ms. Holshouser is moving to 4th grade next year. Katy really hopes to get her!

Cooling off with snow cones- (at least they can enjoy the fruits of the ridiculously expensive sno cone maker the PTO bought- but thats another story)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Can't believe all those swimsuits. I wouldn't dare go swimming outside here yet - it snowed on Monday. My kids are just barely starting to wear shorts.