Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy 7th Xandy

Xandy turned 7 on April 30th. She was thrilled to have the day off due to a teacher workshop. We loaded the kids up in the car when Jared came home from work and headed down to the mall. Xandy had no idea we were going. She was excited when we stopped at the Piercing Pagoda. We stopped at Dairy Queen on the way home per her b-day dinner request.

The next day we had a Luau party for her. We painted toenails and decorated flipflops by tying water ballons around the top of the flipflop. (I ended up having to help a lot!)

The finished products (make sure to double knot!)

Trying to move the Hula hoop around the circle while holding hands

The Limbo (cousin Megan is the girl behind Xandy)

Passing the coconut. A special thanks to big sister Katy who instead of playing manned the music so Mom and Dad could get the food ready

We did not serve cake (also upon her request) but instead had Hawiian pizza, fruit skewers, and fruit smoothies. Her primary teacher stopped by with a gift and some yummy brownies frosted with peanutbutter and chocolate.
The delicious brownies!!

I was able to pick up some Luau decorations for a $1 each at Deals!

I made the centerpiece with extra fruit I had leftover from the skewers and smoothies

Xandy with her friend Lexy and Jacob. Lexy has been in both her kindergarten and 1st grade classes so far.

Attending sister's party was exhausting. Jacob crawled up on his Dad and passed out

1 comment:

yvonne said...

way cute party! SO Katy looks just the same as she always has. I see no crazy growth spurt. just continue with making good choices and they will be fine. I;m dealing with a little more of a problem- but jay is her dad and I'm her mom so genetics are not on her side!