Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ice Princesses

I took the two older girls iceskating on Saturday to celebrate their friend Jenna's B-day. I did surprisingly well for not having skated in years. It was the first time the girls had gone and they caught on quickly. By the end Katy was skating without holding on to anyone or anything. Xandra was too afraid to try letting go of all helps but she was just barely holding onto a hand or the wall by the end. Here are some pictures of the outing.

Jenna, Xandra, and Bella with moms in the back

Here I am helping Xandra:

Katy giving a try without the training cone

The collision.....

Katy and Xandra

Overall it was a fun afternoon although I was a little sore the rest of the day!!


Nikki said...

love the training cones!

Natalie Buchkovich said...

Looks like fun!! Nick and I are going ice skating next weekend downtown. I fear for our bums. We might need some pointers from the girsl!!

Loni said...

You did this -AND painted your kitchen?! You are too ambitious for me!