Friday, December 12, 2008

His ears look wonderful....

After waiting in the exam room for over ONE HOUR to be seen, that phrase was not something I was happy to hear. You mean I sat here in this 4x4 room, trapped with 2 children under 4 for over an hour for nothing!!! I have read every book in this room twice to each child. I have listened to Bella's rendition of "You are the music in me" for the last 40 minutes. Although it is normally quite darling, I'm ready to cut my ears off if I ever hear that song again. Meanwhile, the bus has already dropped off my other two children to an empty house (good thing I had called the neighbor, or there would have been major trauma there). No, look again. That can't be right. He keeps pulling at his ear, and he screamed all night. I know something is wrong. Find something, find anything to make the last hour and a half worth it. I'm not leaving here without a better diagnosis and drugs. GIVE ME DRUGS to help him sleep tonight. At this point the doctor interrupts my silent ranting "Uh-oh, I'm going to have to do a strep culture, his throat is really red and his glands are swollen" (Open mouth insert foot). Please no! I changed my mind. I'm good with the "his ears look wonderful" diagnosis. Please don't let him have strep. I just want to go home! Let me out of here. Well, at least we got some drugs. I got a date with my pillow and blankets tonight. Sleep will not evade me again!


Amy said...

Hope you got a good nights sleep. I tend to wait to see the doctor til I know for sure that they really need to see him. I HATE going and them saying - oh - they just have a cold, use a humidifier, saline drops, etc. Such a waste - time, money, etc. Luckily, we have got it figured out that when we take them in, we know they are really sick. Sorry it wasn't as easy as an ear infection!

Nikki said...

That happened to us this week. I took Ian in for a strep test. it came back negative. Next day they called saying the overnight test had come back positive. At least you can fix it with drugs!