Friday, December 12, 2008

Little acts of Kindness

As I was running errands today, two random people went out of their way to offer small acts of kindness. As a mother who hurt her back at the beggining of the week, was carrying a sleeping toddler (aka dead weight) and was running on a less than ideal night of sleep (due to an ear-ache in the above mentioned dead weight) the acts of kindness were greatly appreciated. As I got back in my car, I felt more energetic and more "Christmasy". In risk of sounding trite and cheesy, I just want to remind us all that this is really what Christmas is about. The little acts - no matter how small-that brighten the hour, day, or season for another.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is a fabulous children's book out called Other People's Shoes that teaches children the value of kindess. It is a great story, and parent's will love it because it teaches kids something so crucial. You should check it out! Here is a link: