The girls had a "Learning Fair" at school. Its is similar to a science fair. Students could choose whether or not to participate. Then they choose a topic of interest to them. They could conduct an experiment, demonstration, or simply research the topic. They then created a board and wrote a report. Last night all the projects were on display for families to view. It was interesting to see the different ideas students had. I thought it was a worthwhile "extra" learning enrichment. And hey, its never too early to start teaching your kids the scientific method, right? Good thing I took a picture the day they finished their boards cause of course I forgot to take my camera last night. Katy took three types of paper, turned the strips into pulp and then made recycled paper. She compared the quality of the three different types of the recycled paper. Xandy blindfolded 5 people and had them taste 4 mystery items first with their nose plugged, and then with their nose unplugged to see if smell affected taste.

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