Monday, August 31, 2009

Cahokia Mounds

On Monday, Jacob, Bella, and I took Mima and Alex to the Cahokia mounds. Dad and Pop-Pop had to work and the older girls had school. Its a interesting place that I probably never would have bothered going to if not for a suggestion from a friend. It was a huge Indian settlement that had its center about 20 minutes away. The visitor center is built over the archaeological site and has markings to show where different structures existed. There is also life size replica buildings and structures. There is more information at the different exhibits then one could ever hope to absorb. You can also take a walk around several of the mounds and even climb Monks mound. Monks mound was the highest mound and the site of the Chief's home so he could look out over the settlement. There is over 150 steps to the top. I think he lived up there so people would think twice before making the climb to complain to him about any problems they hoped he might fix. I know I would've thought twice!!

A view of the WoodRiver Refinery- the site of the project Jared is on

A view of the St. Louis skyline

The last two pictures were not posed. As we were walking back to the car, Bella and Jacob were walking together like this on their own. It was too cute!

After the kids came home, we went swimming at the pool. Bella was very excited to show Mima and Pop-Pop where she swims and the waterslides there. She also showed off how she can swim almost the whole length of the pool now. This may end up being the last trip to the pool this summer. It closes this week-end and we are having abnormally cool weather this week.

1 comment:

Joan said...

We packed a lot of fun into our few days!