The Saturday after we came home from Ohio, we went to Six Flags. Using the free tickets the girls earned coupled with a coupon, we were all able to get in for the price of one admission. When we woke up, the skies were gray, but we crossed our fingers and headed out anyway. It rained most of the morning. I think we have some kind of amusement park curse. Standing there like drenched rats brought back memories of our Disneyland trip. At least it was August and not December this time. The rain once again helped with crowd control and the sun actually made its appearance sometime late afternoon so we can't complain too badly. We spent half the day riding rides, and the other half playing in the waterpark. My girls definately do not have issues with heights and speed. Bella was just barely tall enough for the Tony Hawk ride and rode it 2x. I glanced over at her while we were being whipped upside down and in circles and couldn't believe I had actually allowed her to ride on it. She loved it though. After it stopped raining, Jacob insisted on standing under the hand dryer until all his hair dried. He got lots of laughs and attention from ladies using the restrooms. We ended up staying much later than we had originally planned. Even though I was teaching RS the next day, I wasn't worried. I had it all prepared and just needed to print it out. Imagine my horror, the next morning when I realized we were completely out of ink. Good thing we have late church and I had time to hand write it out.
A few of the "kiddie rides"

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