Sunday, December 20, 2009

Santa x3

The little two kids got to sit on Santa's lap three times this year.

1) With grandma at the mall

2)At the ward party

3)At a playgroup party

The first time Jacob was a little wary, but Bella had sat on his lap and she was fine, so he decided to give it a try. When he got elf ears, a candy cane, and a coloring book out of it he decided it was well worth it. The next two times, it was all I could do to hold him back and keep him in line. He couldn't wait to sit on his lap. Each time Santa would ask what he wanted for Christmas and Jacob would reply "candy!". He's easy to please. Bella on the other hand asked for the same 3 things each time: a scooter, a kitten (at which point I would interject that I am allergic hoping Santa could discourage her from this request), she would then say if she couldn't have a kitten, she wants a guinea pig. Hopefully Santa comes through on the scooter request she is in NOT getting a kitten or a guinea pig for Christmas!!!!

These are the pictures with the last Santa we saw at our playgroup Christmas party. Santa was the Grandpa of the girl whose mom started playgroup.

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