When we came home last week-end we found the top of one of our tomato plant had been eaten off. We were puzzled at first. Did a 3 ft rabbit come into our yard? Did an olympic high jumping deer somehow manage to jump the fence? And what was a the little black poop looking things all around the tomato pot? After taking a closer look we found around 4 of the fattest worm/caterpillars on our tomato plant. (No wonder they were fat they ate a good 6+ inches of the top of our poor tomato). Turns out it was a hornworm. We found the following explanation online: "Colloquially known as the "tomato bug", the tomato hornworm is the caterpillar of the Tobacco Sphinx, Manduca sexta or Manduca quinquemaculata, large night flying moths."

No wonder Rabbit (think Winnie the Pooh) was so afraid of these bugs!! They do some serious damage. But, FYI, they can really squirt when you step on them. I accidently hit a few little girls with guts (he he he).

No wonder Rabbit (think Winnie the Pooh) was so afraid of these bugs!! They do some serious damage. But, FYI, they can really squirt when you step on them. I accidently hit a few little girls with guts (he he he).
I will never forget when my mom was pregnant with my little brother and she went out to the garden one morning and had an encounter with one of those things. Let's just say the worm did not prevail...it met the same fate as yours, I believe--guts spurting everywhere. Imagine the reaction of a 9 month pregnant woman!
SICK! Those are some seriously ugly things. I don't blame Rabbit one bit! LOL
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