Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A bittersweet farewell

Last Thursday, I drove down to Herculaneum, MO to attend a baby shower for my dear friend Laura. I had lots of fun shopping for baby girl clothes, but had to restrain myself from buying too much. The girls love Laura and Connel and wanted to get something for the baby too. We took them to the store and told them to pick something out together. We must have been having extreme delusions that night. Have our kids ever agreed on anything? They think disagreeing is a fun game. If someone picks something they like, they'll quickly change their mind just to disagree. After trying to get them all to agree on something, we decided to let them each pick something smaller. This proved to be particularly difficult with Bella. She picked out about 5 items that cost over $30 a piece before finally settling on a cute ladybug rattle. Xandy made a last minute swap and exchanged the pink "I Love Daddy bib" for a package of pink/brown headbands (sorry Connel). Katy went the with item she had picked from the beginning- a toy set that attached to the baby carrier and played music.
Sunday we made the drive back down and took a picnic dinner to share with Laura and Connel. Due to conflicting vacation schedules, we hadn't seen them for a few months. Since they were moving the next day, we wanted to be able to say good-bye. We had an enjoyable picnic outside and always enjoy hanging out with the Pettersons. At least we know we can still see them when we go back to Cleveland for visits and maybe someday we'll be lucky enough to end up on the same project! The girls told me that if Laura doesn't have her baby early while we're there for Thanksgiving, then we are leaving our bags packed and heading back as soon as she has it. Sorry to disappoint girls, but you'll just have to wait until the next time we get back. The girls had fun with my camera and took surprisingly good pictures. Actually, their pictures turned out better than mine did. I'll have to leave the photography to them in the future.

Katy's photography debut:

Xandy's debut:

Bella's debut:

The favorite picture of the night's photographer is up for debate. Both Bella and Katy claim to have taken it. Jared thinks it might have been Bella, but Katy is insistent it was her. Who knows?
Farewell dear friends, we'll miss you in St. Louis, but have fun back among our Cleveland friends!!!


Amy said...

Those jeans look great on you! I am having a hard time losing weight too. I'm not eating any more or exercising less, but it just seems that no matter what I do - it goes on. Is it cause I'm getting old?

the Petterson Family said...

You guys are so sweet! Thanks again for the picnic and the baby gifts! We are excited to see you guys at the holidays! We miss you already!