Thursday, September 24, 2009

Why is it that in life we are constantly forgetting promises we make to ourselves. I remember telling myself after running a half marathon that I would never force it to run twice as far, yet I find myself training for a marathon. After a disastrous experience with Xandy and 4 yr old soccer, we said we would NEVER do 4 yr old soccer again no matter how hard a child begged. Yet, soccer season started and somehow Bella ended up on a team. She was so excited the day we signed up. She asked every hour for days if it was time for soccer yet. This is the problem with have sign ups months before the season starts. It would work better to have sign-ups the morning of. We're talking about 4 yr olds, their attention span is much to short to be excited about something for months. By the time the season rolled around, the excitement had dwindled and was replaced by apprehension.
Her coach called the week of the first game. Remembering the frustrating experience of coaching a bunch of 4 yr olds that want nothing to do with soccer despite their Gun-ho parents cheering on the sidelines, I gave him fair warning. "Bella will most likely just sit and watch the first game" I continued to explain that this is her M.O. Her first dance class was spent sitting in the middle of the floor watching everyone else. It took months of observation before she'd participate in primary. At the 3rd dance class, you'd never have guessed she'd refused to do anything the first time. She was dancing circles around everyone else. Sunday, during the Primary program she actually said her line, sending Jared and I into a deep shock.
The first few games of the season consisted of a 1/2 hr practice followed by a 1/2 hr game. We had to keep pushing her back on the field for practice and I'm not sure she ever touched the ball. After much coercion, she went and sat by her team for the game but refused to go on the field. The second game saw a some improvement. She hesitantly took the field during practice and even participated some. The first time the coach put her in the game, she willingly went out. She proudly stood in the middle of the field and watched the other kids run back and forth with the ball. But, she stood her ground and never moved from her little spot. She trotted off the field when it was time for subs and refused to play the rest of the day. The third game Bella trotted out to practice without any resistance. She grabbed her water and went to sit by her team for the game. When it was her turn she actually ran with the other kids and went in 3 different times. Although, she only kicked the ball when she started the kick-off. Other times the ball would come right at her and she'd back away. But hey, if she continues to improve over the next 3 games she might actually be enjoying herself.....just in time for the season to end.

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