Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Candy Negotiations

A conversation earlier this week after handing Bella her trunk or treat bag
Me: You can have 2 pieces
(Bella takes out four pieces and lays them on two piles)
Me: Bella I said 2 pieces
Bella- What, I just have four
Me: But I said only 2
Bella: Well, 4 is 2
Me: No its not. You can have 2 pieces. (Pausing to think... it is hard to get her to nap, maybe I can negotiate) Alright, you can have 4 pieces but then you have to take a nap. Otherwise just eat 2
Bella: Fine, (she slams 2 pieces back in the bag) I'm not taking a nap

An hour later I was looking for a number is my phone book, when I hear a strange sound behind me. This is what I found.

(sorry the picture is so bad I took it with my phone)

The sound was her snoring. She was been a loud snorer (is that a word?) since she was a baby and it makes us laugh. Jared said I ripped her off and she should get two more pieces of candy. But, I didn't put her to sleep, she did that herself.


Amy said...

That is hilarious - thanks for sharing. Hope you find your camera soon!

Joan said...

What a politician!

Amanda said...

I love it when that happens! (Naps that take place without force) Nathan is the same way. He doesn't nap daily anymore, but when things are too exciting or he is just tired from all the activities-it just happens all on its own. Plus, it's so cute where they fall asleep when they aren't expecting it!!

Jacob and Mindy T. said...

LOL, that's so funny! Kids make me laugh.

Susan said...

Hey Terra...I just tagged you. Go to my blog for instructions. We miss you...come back

Loni said...

Hilarious!!!! She is so sly.